Big smile for the camera!

I love this picture because they are both smiling, but I couldn't get Grandma or Molly to look at the camera!

I was feeling sorry for myself this weekend. It is Ryan's last busy weekend for school. He was writing a final exam and finishing some grading. I was bored and wanted to get out and do something. Our apartment complex had a party on Saturday at the new pool. Molly and I went to that and talked to some friends there and met a new friend. So that was fun, but I wanted to make sure that I had something fun to do on Sunday. I was bugging Ryan to go do something with us. I searched on the web for things to do. Then I realized that I really needed to go see Grandma. Instead of focusing on myself, I needed to do something for someone else. So, Molly and I went and spent a few minutes with Grandma. She always loves holding Molly, and the baby is usually content to stay in her arms.
Molly has been a mysterious napper lately. Most of the time when we put her down for a nap, we'll give her one of her bunny blankets to snuggle, and she'll pull her knees to her chest and roll to her side. Sometimes she won't close her eyes right away, but she'll study her bunny for awhile. Of course, there are times that she doesn't want to go to bed, so we'll let her cry a little. Other times we'll put her in her crib, and she'll sit up and start to play as we close the door. Yesterday morning, she did just that. Sometimes I'll check on her fifteen minutes later, and she'll still be playing silently. Yesterday, an hour after we left her playing in her crib, we opened her door to find her standing up looking at us. She had a poopy diaper. We have no idea what happened during the previous hour. Did she play for awhile, and then sleep also? Or, was she awake for the whole time? Why didn't she cry or even talk to herself if she was awake?
Molly has new experiences every day- especially food. Yesterday, I pureed some kiwis and strawberries. It was pretty sour, so I bought some bananas to add to them. It sounds like pretty fancy food for a baby, but I got the pound of strawberries for $1 and the kiwis for 10 cents each. Paired with a banana, I can probably make the equivalent of 8-10 jars of baby food for around $2. It is so fresh and yummy, too. This morning, I put some prunes in the blender with water and mixed it with cereal for Molly's breakfast. I think I've discovered a great non-medicinal baby laxative. She also had a few sips of Yoplait Kids drinkable yogurt which she loved. I also gave her a little bit of cherry. I was eating cherries in front of her (my first mistake). Then, because I'm a first-time mom, I didn't just distract her with something else. No, I took the effort of pitting a cherry, using a baby spoon to scoop the flesh away from the skin and cutting up the flesh. She enjoyed that also.
Since Molly is quiet in her crib, I'm going to assume she's asleep. So, I better take advantage of this chance to shower and get ready for the day!