March is halfway over! Ryan is officially on spring break! He's already had several track meets. During the winter, he was offered a position as an assistant track coach. He's working with the distance runners that he coaches in cross country. It is great because there are several track coaches, so he's made several new friends, too. Teaching the kids in his inner city classes continues to be a challenge, but he has a heart for reaching the troubled ones. Many are in gangs, and he often comes home with stories of fights and other trouble that they were involved in. We are going to Orlando for a few days this week, thanks to a Christmas gift of money from my parents designated for travel. We hope to visit some good friends and Ryan's granny and aunt while we're there.
Molly's ma mere and pa pere came to visit earlier in the month. We had a great time with them. The temps were in the 80s almost every day. We saw a lot but had a relaxing time as well.

I host a small group of moms from my church on Tuesdays. Molly loves snacking and playing with the other kids. We discuss the messages from church and try to incorporate a little activity for the kids, too.
Molly loves playing in her box of stuffed animals. Xander joins her here!

With Ryan's parents we visited the Stockyards and watched the cows amble down the street.

Molly has been watching MSU basketball with us. She points to the screen and exclaims, "Ball!" Here she's wearing her pink MSU shirt from her ma mere.

We got a new computer free as a promotion for opening an account with a local credit union. It is pretty small, but it is a great second computer and perfect for traveling. When we went to pick it up, a credit union employee wondered if the computer was for Molly. Not really, but it is a perfect size for her!