I was feeling ambitious this morning and put my running clothes on and put Molly in the jogging stroller. We went outside to discover that it had become drizzly. We couldn't go because Molly would have gotten cold and wet. So, we're doing inside activities this morning, like blogging!

We went to the Botanical Gardens with Xander and his mom. It was my first time there. Beautiful!

Xander really wanted to hold Molly's hand. Cute! Molly is wearing a harness that has a stuffed Elmo on the front. She doesn't mind it which is a relief because I'm traveling with her by plane tomorrow without any other adult assistance!


Aloha! This is Molly's Hawaiian outfit from Teena and Grant

Molly loves little Ella. We have the invite for Ella's first birthday party on our refrigerator. Molly will yell, "Ella! Ella!" until I get it down for her look at.

Hanging out with Papa