Ryan got a new job today! He's the track coach at Troy (Ohio) Christian Middle School. He started today! There are 25 kids on the team, and they're all his! He doesn't have any assistants, just a volunteer high jump coach. Although due to pregnancy I'll only be able to describe moves, not demonstrate them!
He's also going to TX the weekend of April 14. He needs to pass the TeXes test in Social Studies. Yes, that's TeXes, not Texas. Additionally, he begins a Politial Sci class at Sinclair Community College on Monday. He'll be busy! Oh, God gave us a cool gift with Ryan's ticket to Texas. We had tried to use frequent flier miles for the trip a couple days ago but no flights were available. Tonight we tried again and were able to get one that fits into his schedule well. We purchased it. Right after that, we checked to see if the flight was still available, and it was gone! I guess that God was saving that seat for Ryan!
I'm on Spring Break this week. Next Tuesday I start my spring quarter classes. One of them is a lecture class that has 80 students enrolled right now! Yikes! The secretary of the department said that enrollment could go over 100! I've never done anything like that before! Pray for me!
Egg Substitutes for Cooking and Baking
4 weeks ago
You'll be great...25 kids or 100...the Em is always in the zone!
by the way, I'm on dave's computer, so this comment was really from Katie...not dave's moniker.
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