Tomorrow is her two month birthday. So, she has a pediatrician visit next week. She needs to get all of her two month shots. I'm going to try to take her to the Health Dept. for her shots. There is this crazy deal at the Dr's office. If your insurance pays for the shots, they cost hundreds of dollars billed to the insurance. If the insurance doesn't pay, they cost $10 a pop. Well, our insurance covers $500 of well child visits, not subject to the deductible. However, this $500 will get used up very quickly by a couple of immunizations. So, we're going to try to spread out the $500 by paying for the shots out of pocket at the health dept. and having the insurance cover the office visits. I also need a flu shot for me and maybe a pertussis vaccine. I just read that 50% of babies get whooping cough from their parents who might not even know that they have it. So, it is recommended that parents get a vaccination.
Now that she's getting older, her BMs are less frequent. She went five days before having one today! I guess that means that her body is using most of what it's taking in. It was sure messy though! She is warming up to tub baths. She had two today. One before the mess and one after!
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