We spent a lot of time at several playgrounds. Molly is no longer very interested in swings, but she enjoys slides- the higher and faster the better. She sits on my lap to go down big slides, but on small slides she either holds our hands as we stand next to the slide or someone just catches her at the bottom. Like usual, she was most interested in the mulch beneath the playground equipment. The resort had free pony rides. Molly wasn't very interested in being atop a pony. She lasted only a minute or so!
We stayed in a cabin in the woods. Day and night the sounds of falling acorns and leaves could be heard as well as frolicking squirrels. We experienced the beauty of God's creation right from our deck.
We went around the lake on a pontoon boat. Molly liked to help drive, but she kept reaching for the keys in the ignition. Thankfully the panic horn was beyond her reach. Don't miss the picture of my mom entertaining Molly with the life vest!
Molly has started using crayons! We picked her up from the kids room at church last week, and they gave us a picture she had scribbled on. This is her coloring on a restaurant placemat.
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