Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Final Summit

I received The Final Summit from Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for an honest review.  This is my third book to review by Andy Andrews as part of the booksneeze.com program.  I found both of the other books, The Heart Mender and The Butterfly Principle, to be inspiring and captivating reads.  I found the opposite in this book.  The main character was also present in The Traveler’s Gift.  David Ponder returns and is swept up into heaven by the angel Gabriel.  He is given the challenge of discovering the two-word phrase that is the key to saving humanity from its destructive path.  To help him in task, he is joined by characters from history to assist him as they participate in a summit and share ideas.  The historical figures represented are nearly all American or European.   This seemed odd and bothered me.  Additionally, the majority of the book is dialogue which was not engaging.  I found this to be a very boring portrayal of heaven, a summit where human ideas, not spiritual principles, are expounded in a large meeting room.  I did, however, enjoy reading about Eric Erickson, a little-known historical figure who was central in weakening the Nazis and single-handedly lessened the duration of World War II.  I usually pass on the books that I enjoy through this program to a friend or family member, but I don’t believe this one is worth the time spent to read it. 

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